Put an Elk Volunteer in the Field
Put an Elk Volunteer in the Field

Support the Elks' mighty army for the service of mankind.|CIP

In 1928, then-National President of the Elks John F. Malley envisioned a future where the “forces of the Order” would be united “into a mighty army for the service of mankind.” The realization of his dream began with the creation of the Elks National Foundation. Today, no program epitomizes Malley’s vision more than the Community Investments Program.

In fact, every $200 granted through the Community Investments Program puts an Elk in the field, volunteering more than five hours on projects like increasing access to food, aiding individuals living in households below the poverty line, assisting the elderly, supporting our youth, improving accessibility, and helping veterans and military families.

Your gift will help the ENF continue to expand on Malley’s vision and mobilize Elks across the country into a force for positive change.

Story Recommendation: A CIP Field Trip

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