Spotlight on Service
Spotlight on Service

Every community has needs. Help Lodges meet them.|CIP

Your $2,000 gift can help a Lodge shine a light on pressing issues facing American communities, like childhood literacy or veterans experiencing homelessness, with a Spotlight Grant. The Spotlight Grant offers off-the-shelf projects perfect for Lodges just starting their CIP journey.

Havre, Mont., Lodge No. 1201 used a Spotlight Grant to sponsor children at its local Early Head Start program. The Lodge helped order and distribute weekly books for the children to keep, and the Elks read to the children in hopes of fostering a lifelong love of reading. When the program started in 2018, there were 30 kids enrolled. Today, there are more than 190.

Click here for more details on how Lodges use Spotlight Grants to meet needs in Lodge communities.

Story Recommendation: Spotlight on the Spotlight Grant: Slice of Haven

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